Eradicating the symptoms of PTSD 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 12
When I heard this interview it certainly touched a nerve! Listening to a Veteran, who 27 years on from the Falklands War, along with his family & friends, is still suffering and living with the symptoms of PTSD, it brought tears to my eyes and produced an unbelievable pain in my heart.
Much of what he talks about is already symptomatically displayed in many of our Armed Forces returning from the current conflict in Afghanistan - indeed witnessing the repatriations of countless young men and women today, can itself trigger symptoms in those already diagnosed with this debilitating 'psychological' injury! Bringing back personal memories of lost friends & comrades. I am sure there are a vast number of individuals who will identify with this gentleman's very open & honest description of his symptoms.
How then will this be addressed? How will the growing number of those affected or likely to be affected in the future be catered for or helped to come to terms with, understand, accept and ultimately seek assistance to eradicate their symptoms? Who can help?
Bob Paxman, CEO of Talking2Minds and his team have certainly more than set the ball in motion! .... raising awareness, tackling the issues and implementing therapies which are not only 'Forces' specific.
Please take the time to peruse their website to find more information on the assistance & therapies available to eradicate PTSD.